A community for those who seek connection and advice from people who undersatnd what it's like.
Monica here from Bezzy BC again 👋. I truly hope you found value in the incredible content we shared in your Healthline Breast Cancer newsletter. Today, I'd like to introduce you more of what our Bezzy BC community has to offer - meaningful connections in a non-judgemental, lively community of people who understand what it's like. - Monica

Bezzy BC

At Bezzy, we believe a supportive community is an integral part of any health journey. Our name is derived from the British English word for a person’s best or closest friend. Inspired by the transformative nature of friendship, Bezzy is committed to providing a safe space for shared experiences and authentic dialogue, where vulnerability and acceptance thrive.
We believe “community” is not just a place or a group: it’s a feeling and a tool that inspires all of us to live better every day.
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Bezzy BC is a place where you are seen and known completely, even without having to share every little detail of your life. With expert guides and medically backed content to help you through it all, it’s where you can:

  • explore member profiles and instantly connect
  • match 1:1 with members who relate to your specific experience
  • catch up quick with others through our scrollable feed
  • get advice and support through live discussions
  • and forums
  • discover informative articles and diverse firsthand stories
  • recieve timely communication from your guide, keeping you up to date and connected

Sound good? Come join our online community or download our app.
Bezzy - a place where you can feel seen, valued, and understood. Where your story matters and shared vulnerability is the name of the game. A place where you are more than your health condition. A place where, finally, you belong.
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