‘Breast is best’ was meant to help ensure babies get the nutrients they need in their first six months of life, but it's had unintended consequences.
Here’s Why the ‘Breast Is Best’ Mantra Can Be Harmful
‘Breast is best’ was meant to help ensure babies get the nutrients they need in their first six months of life, but it's had unintended consequences.
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How Many Calories Does Breastfeeding Burn?
In order to produce breast milk, your body burns extra calories, so you need to make sure you're getting enough nourishment, too.
What Is Baby-Led Weaning? Everything You Need to Know
Have you been wondering how to introduce your child to their first foods? Baby-led weaning is one option.
Teething and Fever Aren’t Linked, But These Symptoms Are
Teething can cause symptoms, but one it won’t cause is a fever.
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