Discover foods that help reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and provide the fuel necessary for you to get on the mend.
10 Foods That Help You Heal
10 Foods That Help You Heal
Discover foods that help reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and provide the fuel necessary for you to get on the mend.
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Diet or Exercise: Which One Really Counts More?
Diet or Exercise: Which One Really Counts More?
Common wisdom claims that weight loss is the result of 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. We look at the data.
Measuring the Caffeine in Cold Brew, Espresso, and Drip Coffee
Measuring the Caffeine in Cold Brew, Espresso, and Drip Coffee
A dietitian reviews how cold brew stacks up against other types of coffee in terms of caffeine content.
All the Ways to Use Ginger for Better Health
All the Ways to Use Ginger for Better Health
This versatile spice is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain.
Ovarian Cancer Is Difficult to Diagnose — Here’s Why
Many of the early signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are often ignored, meaning the cancer is often not diagnosed until later stages.
Find the Right Multivitamin Option for You
Mega Food | Men's One Daily  
Ritual Multivitamins
  • Great for science-backed, traceable nutrients
  • $30 to $35 per month supply
    LIFE Glucosamine/Chondroitin Capsules  
    Care/Of Daily Vitamins
  • Great for personalized supplements
  • $5 to $32 per month supply
    Persona Foundational Multivitamin
  • Great for straightforward ingredients
  • $12.90 for a month supply
    3 Ways to Make Healthy Eating Easier
    Healthy eating means something different to everyone. Use the tips below as a helpful guide for navigating your own healthy eating journey.
      Prep nutritious meals for the week. Be sure to include lean proteins, ample veggies, and foods you’re excited about.
      Keep fruit within arm’s reach. Give yourself easier ways to choose healthy snacks.
      Follow a routine. Choose a handful of healthy and delicious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to rotate between each week.
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