With expert guides and medically backed content to help you through it all.
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At Bezzy, we believe “community” is not just a place or a group: it’s a feeling and a tool that inspires all of us to live better every day, a place where you are seen and known completely. With expert guides and medically backed content to help you through it all, it’s where you can: |
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match 1:1 with members who relate to your specific experience |
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catch up quick with others through our scrollable feed |
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recieve timely communication from your guide, keeping you up to date and connected |
Sound good? Come join our online community or download our app.
Bezzy - a place where you can feel seen, valued, and understood. Where your story matters and shared vulnerability is the name of the game. A place where you are more than your health condition. A place where, finally, you belong. |
“I have been suffering from psoriatic arthritis for about 11 years and this is the first app of its kind! It's social media and a support group in one for me. Everyone is so supportive and it's easy to use. I got the hang of it quickly!” |
- Bezzy community member |